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 Earth Sciences Natural phenomenaExternal

Earth Sciences Natural phenomenaExternal

 geological phenomenaGeological phenomena What is the meaning of the internal dynamism of the Earth The concept of external geological phenomena External geological phenomena are defined as a set of external processes that occur on the planet, and that lead to a change in the external features on the surface of the Earth, so that this change continues withtime passing.[1] These phenomena occur gradually, through which the natural topography changes, and they usually occur in natural ecosystems, while it is difficult to determine whether they occur in urban cities, given that humans often constantly modify their environments.[1] What are geological phenomena? external? External geological phenomena include a group of factors, including the following: Weathering Weathering occurs when a part of the rocks on the surface of the Earth disintegrates as a result of exposure to certain conditions, most notably; Rainwater, high and low temperatures, and vital activities, which do not result in any removal or changefor internal rock elements.2] Rocks expand when exposed to high temperatures during the day, and shrink when exposed to low temperatures during the night, and therefore with the recurrence of this process, the rock crust disintegrates and decomposes into what is known as crumbs (crumbs), causing the occurrence of the weathering process,[3] which is divided in turn into two main types: weatheringPhysical Weathering occurs as a result of the effect of temperature changes on rocks, so that rocks break up and collapse into small pieces, and this process can also occur with the help of water.[4] Physical weathering is classified into two main types: [4] Freezing and thawing. Exfoliation. .Chemical weathering Chemical weathering occurs when rainwater interacts with the mineral elements in rocks, which results in the formation of new minerals such as clay and dissolved salts, and these reactions usually occur when rainwater is of the acidic type.[5] Chemical weathering is one of the stages of soil formation, which includes several processes, including: [5] Hydrolysis. Oxidation process. Erosion, transport, and sedimentation Erosion is one of the geological factors that occur as a result of the effects of rainwater, wind, or flowing water on rocks and sediments1] Transportation represents the means by which small sediments are transported after the erosion process has occurred, and this transport occurs by wind, water currents, or glaciers.]1] The sedimentation process represents the stage through which small rock particles are deposited, after the rocks are subjected to erosion and transportation. These particles are known as sediment, and these sediments usually accumulate in the mouths of rivers and areas of the seas and oceans.]1] Listed in the following are the most important factors that contribute to the occurrence of transport, erosion and sedimentation processes: Rain Rains are one of the main factors affecting the process of formation of terrain and land surface features, for example landslides are formed as a result of rain water reaching the lower mud layers in the slopes making itSlippery, when it rains heavily, in addition to the formation of grooves known as badlands.[3] Winds Winds work to transport and sediment small rock particles from one place to another, so that new terrain and features are formed in the other site, while those terrains in the original site change, as well as strong winds break up the rocks, and transport the crumbs to the new site, So that new hills arise, or hills settleOld.
